hack android phone remotely

How To Hack Android Phone Remotely Using Ahmyth

How to Hack Android Phone Remotely: After a long time, again with a new tool of hacking android smartphone. I see most of the readers on my site and my instagram and facebook page are interested in hacking android smartphones only. In this post, we will be learning how to hack android phone remotely using ahmyth.

So I already posted two methods of hacking android smartphone remotely, one is using a RAT and another is Kali Linux and Metasploit. You can learn both methods from the below links.

How To Hack Android Phone Using Kali Linux

How To Hack Android Remotely Using Spynote

But today, in this post we will be learning how to hack android smartphone using Ahmyth RAT tool.

So, for those who don’t know what a RAT is, It is a Remote Admin Tool which can be used to compromise and hack any computer or smartphone remotely (In simple terms).

We already know how to use spynote and what we can do using a RAT. But this time we will use another famous android RAT, Ahmyth.

Like Spynote RAT, it also has lots of features.

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Download Ahmyth Android RAT

Ahmyth is open source and available on Github. You can download its binary release (.exe and .deb) from GitHub using below link.

Download Ahmyth

How To Hack Android Phone Remotely Using Ahmyth RAT

Follow these step by step instructions to know how to hack android phone remotely using Ahmyth RAT.

Step 1- Download Ahmyth RAT from the link above and make sure your antivirus is turned off. By the way, you can also install it in kali linux by downloading the .deb package from the same link above.

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Note:- Download and Install JAVA JDK and JRE from oracle java site. Ahmyth will not work without JAVA and you’ll not be able to build apk.

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Step 2- First things first, we need to create our malicious server part apk file, that we need to send to our victim.

Open Ahmyth, Click on APK Builder button from the menu.

Now, Enter your IP Address and the Port number you want to use to establish a connection with your victim with this malicious apk.

hack android phone

Note: – If your victim is on same wifi network as yours, you need to enter the ip address that you get after entering ip config command in cmd and if your victim is over the internet, you need to port forward in the router or you can also port forward without a router using portmap.

Check the Bind With Another APK option checkbox if you want to bind your malicious apk with any other app or apk file.

Sometimes binding with another apk makes your malicious apk file useless, that’s why I would recommend you this time, to not to bind apk with any other app.

I will write a specific post about how to bind the malicious apk with any other app and how to make your virus completely undetectable.

Important Note:- That’s why I am again telling you to subscribe to email newsletter, follow on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, send us a message on our facebook page or join our facebook group to never miss another update from us.

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So after entering IP Address and Port, you need to click on the Build button.

Step 3- Your malicious apk is ready.

You need to deliver and install this app in your victim’s smartphone to hack them and get a reverse connection.

Step 4 – In Victims window, you need to enter the port that you used while creating the apk file and click on the listen button. Now, it will start listening for incoming connections on that port.

When your victim, install and open the app you created. You will get a reverse connection in Victim’s tab in the menu.

And you have successfully compromised your victim’s smartphone.

Just right click on Victim phone in the Victims tab and perform any action you desire.

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This was the third method to hack android phone remotely using Ahmyth RAT.

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